Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu: CDC Recommends People With Diabetes Take Antivirals While Traveling

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people with diabetes who travel, even within the US, should take the antiviral medications Tamiflu or Relenza:
"Antiviral Medications: Persons traveling within the US that are at high risk of severe illness from influenza (for example persons with chronic conditions such as diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, and the elderly) are recommended to take antiviral medications for prevention of swine influenza during travel. The recommended antiviral drugs for swine influenza are oseltamivir (brand name Tamiflu®) and zanamivir (brand name Relenza®). Both are prescription drugs that fight against swine flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. These drugs can prevent infection if taken as a preventative. Talk to your doctor about correct indications for using influenza antiviral medications. Always seek medical care if you are severely ill."
More information can be found at the CDC's site:
Outbreak Notice: Swine Influenza in the United States